Thursday, June 11, 2009

Remember Who You Are

We always say, "Cheer up! Remember who you are to God!" when one feels down and insecure..

In my Bible study today, Beth Moore made a point that struck me..We also need to remember who we are before God when we're up! We can get so full of ourselves and so filled with pride that we elevate ourselves to levels of awesomeness that we do not deserve.

So there's my thought for the day..Remember who you are before God.

When we're down and feeling like life's hardly worth living, we must remember that Christ loved us enough to come to earth, minister to our physical and spiritual needs, face betrayal and beating--a series of beatings so severe that they would have killed a lesser man, then carry His own cross up the Hill of the Skull and be humiliated and murdered to save us from hell! He wasn't forced..not even after they caught Him and locked Him up! He chose to take every single one of those lashes..He chose to put one foot in front of the other..all the way up the hill, knowing His destiny when He reached the top..and He gave, and gave, and gave until He released His final breath. Then He overcame death, and rose to save YOU!

And when you're up and feeling like you got it all..Life's good, and you're good, and God's on your got most of the answers and you're doing great! Money's flowing, you've got respect, people admire you, and when you say 'do' they do or 'go' they go...Remember who you are before God. He is sovereign and mighty, He is holy and just. His ways are higher and His thoughts are far above yours..and as soon as you think you're grasping His wisdom, you are in a dangerous place.

Remember who you are before God..He created you and gives more to you than you ever will know in this earth..and at the same time, He is the Most High, worthy of our humble reverence.

1 comment:

  1. the spa day was a onetime thing it was a fundraiser for our churchs family camp...we had a few stylists who donated there time and then sold crafts..thnx for the compliment btw but there is so many crafty people out here who did a ton of the work:)
